If you run 'Clean' or 'Deep Clean' multiple times in the printer settings, you may encounter an error code on the LCD display, such as P-0-7. In such cases, resetting the page count should resolve the issue and allow it to function properly again.
Resetting the Page Count :
★ Make sure the printer is turned off before starting.
1. Press and hold the [Power] button, then press the [Stop] button five times, and release both buttons.
2. After pressing the [Stop] button four times, press the [Power] button once.
3. The printer will print D=0.000.
4. After pressing the [Stop] button three times, press the [Power] button once.
5. The printer will feed paper and print a sheet with detailed information.
- If the print quality appears strange due to a problem with the printer head, it's normal. Only the paper needs to be printed.
6. After pressing the [Stop] button five times, press the [Power] button once.
7. The printer will print D=0.000.
8. Press the [Power] button to turn off the printer.
9. Press the [Power] button to turn on the printer again.
10-1. If the printer LCD screen displays [1], it is normal.
10-2. If the printer LCD screen displays [0],
11. Press the [Black] button.
12. Press the [Stop] button.
13. The printer LCD screen will show [1].
In most cases, after resetting the page count and performing cleaning or nozzle checks again, the printer should return to normal operation. However, if this method doesn't work, it may indicate a more serious issue, such as an overheated or malfunctioning printer head. In such cases, you would need to replace the printer head.
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